Friday 20 February 2015

Just to give you a brief introduction to the European Union I think this video is perfect, it also points out some of the complication we are currently experiencing in Europe.

United Europa

What is United Europa? 

United Europa is an idea of state and other possible names for it are United States of Europe, Federal Europe, Federal Republic of Europe and so on. Basically, we are talking about the formation of a single federal state out of the  28 EU member states that today form the European Union. Does it mean that UK, France or Spain will cease to exist? No! What will happen is a division of power. Take the United States of America for instance, it is composed by 50 states(California, Florida, Nevada ecc.) but the federated state is the United States. This system breaks down into two governments, the federal government  which deals with regulations affecting all states while state governments enforce and regulate laws in only a single state. Thus, the role of the federal government is to oversees all affairs which affect states as a whole such as national defence, foreign affairs and monetary policies. In other words the role of the federal governments is to provide the macro decision making for all states. On the other hand the local decision making is allocated to state governments which decide on affairs such as education, health care, infrastructure, taxes and so on. Although, to describe in details this system of government one needs to read several books, the key point is that this system provides an efficient model to arrange local and regional necessities which might be different from state to state and at the same time it secures coordination and unity through the federation.  Many countries adopted this system such as Germany, Russia, India, Australia, Canada and many others. 
I strongly believe this system to be the best option for a continental state such as Europe which is formed by many different cultures that need to be preserved and at the same time the great need for Europe to be able to make decisions promptly to effectively respond to any kind of crises.